Direction and screenplay by Sean Ellis. Internationally renowned photographer, has directed music videos and advertising films
Ben Willis, art student, suffers from insomnia is dumped by his girlfriend Suzy. To pass the night, he starts working the night shift in the local supermarket.There he meets a colorful cast of characters as it has developed its own way ofdealing with the boredom of an eight-hour shift. Ben imagines himself stopping time in this way, he can appreciate the beauty of the frozen world and the people inside it especially Sharon, the quiet checkout girl, who perhaps holdsthe answer to solving the problem of insomnia.
Ben Willis, art student, suffers from insomnia is dumped by his girlfriend Suzy. To pass the night, he starts working the night shift in the local supermarket.There he meets a colorful cast of characters as it has developed its own way ofdealing with the boredom of an eight-hour shift. Ben imagines himself stopping time in this way, he can appreciate the beauty of the frozen world and the people inside it especially Sharon, the quiet checkout girl, who perhaps holdsthe answer to solving the problem of insomnia.
Actually I think this type of film with which I identify in a break, I know many were given a wonderful 500 Days of summer, it's good yes, but I did not like for some reasons, including that I am almost certain that the Most men more just likeZoey Deschanel, but then, in taste genres are broken, Cashback reminded mea lot of things I went through and maybe it's because I'm the same artist, and apainful breakup, I have insomnia, I swear that time slow but not stop, is anunstoppable agony, and I have to find things that make me lighter hours, as Bendid, or as the world changes for you or against you, as you visualize the horrorand the beauty of your surroundings by a person, it's just a film, beautiful and deep, and photography, pff ... Incredible, we could not expect less from SeanEllis.
Actually I think this type of film with which I identify in a break, I know many were given a wonderful 500 Days of summer, it's good yes, but I did not like for some reasons, including that I am almost certain that the Most men more just likeZoey Deschanel, but then, in taste genres are broken, Cashback reminded mea lot of things I went through and maybe it's because I'm the same artist, and apainful breakup, I have insomnia, I swear that time slow but not stop, is anunstoppable agony, and I have to find things that make me lighter hours, as Bendid, or as the world changes for you or against you, as you visualize the horrorand the beauty of your surroundings by a person, it's just a film, beautiful and deep, and photography, pff ... Incredible, we could not expect less from SeanEllis.
Dirección y Guión por Sean Ellis. Fotógrafo de renombre internacional, ha dirigido vídeos musicales y películas de publicidad
Ben Willis, estudiante de Bellas Artes, sufre de insomnio como consecuencia del abandono de su novia, Suzy. Uba ruptura muy dolorosa. Para hacer más llevadera la situación, empieza a trabajar en el turno de noche del supermercado del barrio. Aquí conoce a gente de lo más variopinta que ha desarrollado su propia manera de hacer frente al aburrimiento de un turno de ocho horas. Ben se imagina a sí mismo parando el tiempo; de esta manera, es capaz de apreciar la belleza de un mundo congelado con la gente dentro, especialmente con Sharon, la callada cajera que quizás guarde el secreto para resolver su problema de insomnio.
Crítica / Comentarios
En realidad creo que este el tipo de filme con el que me identifico en una ruptura, sé que muchos se les hizo una maravilla 500 Days of summer, es buena sí, pero no me gustó por algunas razones, incluyendo que estoy casi segura que la mayoría de los hombres les gusta más sólo por Zoey Deschanel, pero bueno, en gustos se rompen géneros, Cashback me recordó a muchas cosas que pasé y quizá sea porque igual soy dibujante, y en una ruptura dolorosa, tengo insomnio, juro que el tiempo no es lento sino que se detiene, es una agonía imparable, y tengo que buscar cosas que me hagan menos pesadas las horas, tal como Ben lo hizo, o como el mundo cambia a tu favor o en tu contra, como visualizas el horror y la belleza de tu alrededor por una persona, es simplemente un filme, hermoso y profundo, y la fotografía, pff... Increíble, no podíamos esperar menos de Sean Ellis.
Awards / Premios
Best European Short Film Festival (Grand Prix)
Chicago International Film Festival (Gold Hugo)
Leuven International Short Film Festival (Audience Award)
Lille International Short Film Festival (First Prize)
Tribeca Film Festival (Best Narrative Short)
FIKE 2005 - Évora International Short Film Festival (Audience Award)
Bermuda International Film Festival (Won Jury Prize)
San Sebastian International Film Festival (Won C.I.C.A.E Award)
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